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Nora, and her niños

We sat down to talk with Nora and her two children currently enrolled with Empowerment International. Nora’s been a part of EI for many years. For the past four she’s been on staff, keeping the space clean, as well and preparing food for the children.

Reyna, her daughter, would like to continue her studies toward a career in the field of tourism and hotel administration. She studies english Saturdays, and is in her fifth level. Reyna enjoys christian music, and would like to learn the korean language also. She is in her second year of studies at high school. Her favourite studies are natural science. She enjoys participating in the reading club at Empowerment International, where they read El Sí de las Niñas, by Leandro Fernández de Moratín, and the poem “Por los caminos van los campesinos” by Nicaraguan poet, Pablo Antonio Cuadra.

Angel is Nora’s youngest son, at 13 years old he has been involved with Empowerment International since his preschool days. He’ll begin his final year of primary school in February. His favourite activity with Empowerment International is the afternoon reading club. They’ve just finished reading “L’edat del lloro” by Gisela Pou Valls. Angel is also learning to play chess with the new chess group of Empowerment International.

Reyna, Nora and Angel have all found a place for themselves at Empowerment International. Learning is a family affair, and it’s a process not a destination. They’re showing the community through their activity that we make the future, it doesn’t just happen to us.


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