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Spotlight on Geylin and Her Pharmacy

Geylin, our Santa Ana tutoring leader, is an inspiration to her community. She is now in her 5th and final year of her Pharmacy studies.

The oldest child in her family, this 22-year-old pharmacology student is a born leader and holds strong points of view and powerful organizational skills. She has been with us for 11 years, and to this day, her dedication is palpable. Each day, Geylin wakes up at 3 A.M. to ride a milk truck that takes her to the nearest bus station so she can commute to the university. When she returns from school, she gives supplementary reinforcement classes to the Santa Ana preschool, 1st, and 2nd-grade students. Geylin goes above and beyond in developing creative activities for the students, she also plays with them and participates in the care of both our school garden and local residents’ community gardens.

In just a few months, Geylin’s years of effort will be rewarded with her licensure as a certified Pharmacist. Our tutoring leader hopes to open her very own pharmacy in the community and this will be the first one they have had. In Nicaragua, Pharmacists are trained to be able to prescribe and dispense certain medicines that would require a doctor’s prescription in many other countries. This will be a significant improvement in the health resources available in Santa Ana. She is the first EI participant from Santa Ana to graduate from the university—paving a remarkable path for others in her wake! We are incredibly proud of Geylin, who epitomizes EI’s unofficial slogan, “Not a hand-out but a hand-up”.

Geylin, epitomizes EI’s unofficial slogan, “Not a hand-out but a hand-up”.



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